
"Transforming lives through inclusive socioeconomic development, health education and research with the grassroots approach."

"પાયાના અભિગમ સાથે સમાવિષ્ટ સામાજિક-આર્થિક વિકાસ, આરોગ્ય શિક્ષણ અને સંશોધન દ્વારા સામાજિક પરીવર્તન લાવવું."


"To create and nurture a sustainable health, education and income-generating ecosystem that promotes inclusive well-being through research-backed projects and rigorous interventions."

"સંશોધન-સમર્થિત પ્રોજેક્ટ્સ અમલીકરણ દ્વારા

સર્વસમાવેશક સુખાકારીને પ્રોત્સાહન આપતી ટકાઉ આરોગ્ય, શિક્ષણ અને આવક-ઉત્પાદક ઇકોસિસ્ટમનું જન સુખાકારી માટે નિર્માણ અને સંવર્ધન કરવું ."




As an Individual

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As a Volunteer

Join our team to achieve widespread social impact. We want to empower people with research, organizing workshops, storytelling events at their local communities through volunteer work. Be the changemaker and learn new skills and knowledge in the development sector with us.

As an Organization

We partner with like-minded organisation to create a better world. We pool the resources of many different stakeholders - civil society groups, policy makers and social entrepreneurs alongside private companies for an innovative partnership that advances progress across multiple sectors at once.

Building Knowledge Accessibility for All!

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